Well, something struck me today. Chatted with a friend that I haven't in ages. A true heart to heart chat i mean. Is that neglect? Do you consider that a can't be bothered attitude towards my friends? Well, but as we grow each day, we get busier each day, with more responsibilities and obligations to attend to. However, after not having chatted for so long, yet you can still pour out ya inner most feelings to me, I am touched and this I guess is due to the mutual trust we have in each other. That is not having to be with each other day in and day out, but having to know that during each trial or tribulation that we may encounter, there'll always be a friend whom you can rely to walk that road with you.
I know what you have gone thru in terms of relationships for the last 2 years. I believe that r/s is not easy to handle but one advice I have for you is:
Life is such. Many a times we don't have what we want in life. Things can never be that simple; though we all hope it'll be. But we just have to make the best out of it. Yes, we all paint a perfect partner we want. But is that possible? I really never will be. But what can we do? NOTHING! Just to take a step back and look it from a different angle. Something happened to me recently. Someone completely stole something very impt from me. Initially, i felt that the world was full of lies. But when I saw the smiles of the faces of the innocent children, it reminds you that in life - just like a coin - it has 2 sides to it. It isn't ez really, but don't put the pressure on yourself. Everything requires 2 hands to clap. It's not your fault. Probably the most impt thing is the learn to appreciate the finer things in life and the more positive aspects of each person. Focusing on the negative aspect of a person will only drain you more. And really, enjoy the present (PRESSIES) you have in front of you. He's a gift to you now - treat it as a special gift and you'll only be happier. Don't think too much into everything, it'll only kill the joy in life and I'm sure you'll succeed. Remeber when to use your heart and when to use your head!
I know it sounds really easy to say and I'm not going to say that I empathise with you coz I'm sure we all go through life slightly differently. But all I wanna say to you is I hope that you'll get out of this stronger and I'm sure you would. If I managed, I noe you will. Each step in our life is a step we take forward to our growth for we are growing and learning with each new day. Love you always! I'm finally coming back to Newie, so I'll be there for you when you need someone ok?? 2 more days and I'll see you! For now, hang in there my dear! Take care & Love ya!