Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Crossroads

hm... it's been a refreshing new life since my last blog. I haven't touched blogging for at least a yr - or more even. Good or bad? I really have no clue. All i know is that if a problem arises, escapism is not the answer. But on the other hand, there is no certainty in life. A decision may not be executed or the unexpected may pose an entirely new problem. Whatever it is, that is life.

A or B - I so wished it is that easy to choose. Sometimes, you wonder - is there something else holding you back from making a decision? Or maybe it's just denial. If the world did not have a multitude of greyness between black and white, I would not be caught in this wilderness.

Life changing decisions are not only an expected but a necessity at times. You can't always have the best of both worlds I guess. That's the irony of it all. Will you change your life if you're so enjoying it now? Or will you hang on to the dreams of the perfect mission impossible? Sometimes I really wonder where all these will lead to in this intersection of my life. I guess only time will tell....

Now you understand why the return of my silent blog is not a very good sign. It's once again an unresolvable problem/mystery of my life which for now still remains an enormous question mark....


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