Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Greatest JOKE!

2 sides two a coin - I so believe it's true now... hahaha

hahahaha... i've heard the greatest joke ever today in my life. Never realised how much of an idiot i've been. Why did I bother to help someone so much and getting my name smeared in the process. hahaha. I never expected anything in return, but definitely did not expect this in return. hahaha. Am i just dumb or stupid? haha. Think I've learnt to take ya advice as of today - be strong and not so softhearted: Do not let others take advantage of you - what an irony man!!!! hahaha

One story the last 2 days have been bothering me. My heart goes out to someone. Others may think that i'm jealous. May think that I'm gloating, but in actual fact I blame myself for the whole saga. Believe it or not it's totally up to u... hehe... Had i stopped it earlier this would not have happened. So why did I let it happen in the first place? I seriously do not understand. I guess it's really my fault. But now I can't do anything either just that little bit I've tried... for better or for worse I dunnoe either..

Just be strong yeah? And it'll be over soon. Close the old chapters so that you can open a new one. Once you find your happiness - remember it is yours always and no one can steal it from you! :)

And i'll pray that you - my friend - will get through this tortuous period with ease asap.


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