Sunday, July 16, 2006

To Accept OR Avoid??

Oh well... really enjoyed my stint back in Sg. EAT, SHOP, SLACK, SLEEP, WATCH TVB!!! How can life get any better? I have seriously no answer myself!! hehe... But that's life I guess... Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy. Came back to Sydney for 3 days 2 nites and totally enjoyed having fun!! Just chillded out with friends. Though there are heaps of you I missed this time, hopefully I can catch up with u guys again the next time I return yeah? Miss every single one of you!! really do!!! But now I'm back in NEWIE!! sighzz.. school starts tom... that's totally HORRID!!! sighzz... I havent truly had lessons lessons for ages. What's it gonna feel like back in the lectures?? oh well, just not looking forward to it. Now the fun's over and hopefully it won't be too bad...

haha.. Had another interesting chat with someone today. It was about learning to accept the fact of certain issues rather than having to try to forget certain episodes in one's life. I guess it really makes sense. Cause if you learn to accept and move on, the memories will still linger and depress you but you have crossed the biggest hurdle in your heart. However, if you think you have forgotten, and you actually havent, a recurrent episode may trigger a bout of depression which is indeed very UNhealthy. Hence, it's impt to accept the facts that lie ahead of you rather than try to avoid the truth...


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