Sunday, May 28, 2006

Tomorrow Will Always Be A Better Day

hm..realised that no matter how horrid one's life maybe, as long as you think positively, tomorrow will always be a better tomorrow. If not there's always another tomorrow to hope for! Whatever it maybe, there's always the hope for a better tomorrow. Shouldnt we be glad that we're blessed with this hope for a better tomorrow? Yup, so from now till the end of this rotation, it's good, better and fantastic things that I'll look forward to! Well, despite the loneliness and hectic lifestyle i'm leading now, everything I guess is good if you look at it from a different perspective. At least, now i'm more of a student - one that actually studies rather than play all day long, and also, I'm learning and not wasting and rotting my youth away. Also, the serenity has given me the platform to sit back relax and think about all the enjoyable things that I treasured in the past, and reflect on the mistakes I've met. And most importantly, hope for MANY BETTER TOMORROWS!


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