If Only I Could Turn Back That Clock...
In life, when you make a mistake you never seem to be given the chance to mend that hole that you made.. Or is it just fate that what belongs to you belongs to you.. neither can things be forced at all.. Maybe that's my punishment for now.. I'm just lost for words.. Should I simply keep my mouth shut or should I do something about it?? I really wonder.. But why why why?? Why always has it to be when something is nearly done, something else will pop out to hint to me that stops me from finishing up the task.. Sighz... but if it is really half done, shouldnt you just finish it?? I dunnoe and really wonder.. L-O-S-T is the word.. haiz.. you know what is the biggest problem of anyone?? - it is to say what you don't mean ie to hide your feelings that is "hard mouth, soft heart". oh well, but what can anyone do?? Is it due to face?? I dunnoe.. i really wonder.. all i noe is in life the hardest is to make any form of promises especially about the future. And that is simply the reason to all my problems right from the start. I hate breaking them espeically life long promises.. So only if I knew what is going to happen that'll be the best.. I could have made my decisions long ago and not drag it till today where everyone had to suffer.. and possibly regret.. Maybe I never learn from my mistakes.. It's always the same old story.. But if it's simply promises I can't keep, what is the point?? But too bad the clock cannot never be re-wound again.. and life goes on - happy or sad.. But given a chance I guess I would want to turn that clock and make that promise coz having lost everything makes one realise the importance of everything.. It's wierd.. maybe I din actually but i'm just making a mountain out of a molehill.. But simply cause I had a big reaction over what may be nothing (Never clarified really..) it simply shows how much that means to me i guess... that's my only conclusion.. But what can you say now except "if only..."