Saturday, April 21, 2007

Will that Day of Enlightenment Ever Come??

Well, life is indeed an irony. Or rather life is not only beyond one's control, yet more than often we have to think about the bigger picture or the future before any decision is made. Certain decisions will definitley seem nasty and heartless or even very selfish. But before jumping to any conclusion, the best is to take a step back and think about the original intentions and reasons. This is beause in life there are many decisions or sacrifices in life made for a reason that we may or may never realise or appreciate its initial intentions. Sometimes in life we inevitably hurt others but have they realised that we hurt ourselves too? But it's all done for a course. And now on retrospect, some should have realised the initial intention or decision made a couple of months ago. But have they realised why? Or do they still hold on to the grudge of being hurt? No one will know the answer to the mystery as it is all the inner feelings of others. But if one day we realise the difficult and tormenting decision made right from the start, It'll be really good to appreciate the efforts and misery that one had to offer in silence originally. However, human nature is such that we never realised what has/had been done for us. Maybe one day in enlightenment you'll realise. But sadly humans often only see themselves as the main, sole object neglecting his/her surroundings. Even if that day of enlightenemnt does come, I sincerely pray that you'll remain happy always... :)


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