Monday, August 28, 2006

The Mystery Continues....

Life is so mysterious. It's really something you can't feel nor touch. It's so unpredictable that each move/step you take may easily change the future. Hence, each decision in life is so intricate that one should try to minimize any impulsive decisions. Sometimes time to cool down and reflect is indeed very essential and critical to many situataions that one faces. But avoidance in general is definitely not going to solve anything. Face it, but do it with pride and dignity.

So what can you do, except to enjoy this mystery... :)

Monday, August 21, 2006

10 MORE Days!!!

oh well... there's 10 more days (doubt many pple noe wat i'm referring to but it's totally cool with me...hehe) and hopefully I can maintain my sanity during this period (so if i become really dao during this period pardon me hahaha)... But sometimes u really wonder what pple are trying to do?? haha.. I'm totally calm now.. But why try to justify ya mistakes is something I dun understand why pple keep trying to do? Before you have the right to pin-point others critic yourself yeah?? hehe.. oh well... as human, we should look ourselves first really. And there's no point of justifying what you've been doing really. Even if one person can't see, others can yeah?? Stop playing mind games with me, cause it's of no use now. As per my previous entries, I can see for myself who's good to me and who's not. Trust me.. I know..

well, 10 days.. shall keep my sanity and peace for now. But dun try me this time cause I really have had enough. So much for trusting time and time again. RUBBISH!!! After so long, do u really think I can't see how i've been brought round and round and round in circles?? hm... so dun test my limits really :) Dun wanna reach there so many times in a year!!! i'm way exceeding my record. My life is so short, I dun wanna too many heart attacks...muhahahaha

swinging from an attitude to a pleasant forthcoming personality is truly, utterly extremely fake and disgusting really... be sincere is the underlying take home message hehehe....

Sunday, August 20, 2006

NO! It is NOT!!!

This is going to be the most "unclassified and unusual" entry.

By the way, alot of pple think that my blog has been written or dedicated for that matter to someone in particular. In actual fact, less than 1/4 of this blog is about that one person!!! hahahhahahaha

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Action Truly Speaks Louder Than Words...

Was reading a friend's blog today. A statement caught my attention, " You don't have to tell me what you've done for me, neither do you have to tell me how much I mean to you; needless to say I can see for myself who is TRULY GOOD to me, and vice-versa"

I totally agree with her. We are human, we can see for ourselves. You seriously do not have to tell us! I know who's good to me and who's not. Action speaks louder than words. Sometimes you wonder what people are trying to prove when they tell you what they've done for you. When in actual fact you already know! We all know how to differentiate the good from bad, the right from wrong and even the real from fake. We are blessed with emotions, eyes and a judgemental mind. Yes, I agree that many a times we can be taken for a ride; or on the flip side of the coin we may take people around us for granted at times. Afterall, we're just human. But at the end of the day, I'm sure we'll all be enlightened and not be so blinded or repent for our so-called wrongdoings respectively.

It's not the big things that people do, but it is the small and minute actions that mean more. Very often, we neglect these little gestures till it is too late. But these little gestures do mean more than anything else. Trust me. But it is never too late too appreciate these. It is from these little gestures and actions that help you realise who is truly good to you and who is actuallly taking you for a ride in the process.

And nope, you can't lie. Cause taking people for granted or even taking someone for a ride is evident. We all have feelings; we can feel it really. Are you sincere? It is these little gestures that show it all I'm sure :) You may be able to hide your true feelings, but the little actions cannot mask your true feelings time and time again. That's the exact words of what someone told me that day. And it is through this that I have woken up from my little fairytale land. Sorted what I wanted and what is or what is not worth the effort. Hence, try taking a person for a ride, and you may succeed the first time but you can't win all the time that's for sure!

It's All About T-I-M-E!!!!

hm...alot of things have happened within the last few weeks or maybe even last week or days or so. well, maybe i shud really consider other aspects of my life. Changes in my life. And even learn to accept the other wonders that surround me. Maybe I really shouldn't be so adamant abt wat I want and be contented with the happiness and blessings that I'm showered with. Probably time to learn to let go again. hehe.

Somehow, I've never been able to be so happy and unrestricted. This is true happiness i guess. Being able to express myself freely in front of everyone. Not having to hide my feelings behind the curtains and living in pretence. The feeling is good. i've managed to overcome one of the greatest barriers. And I hope the many of you out there can do likewise esp my few close friends who have encountered similar episodes to me within the last few mths. Must let go and get on with life. When that happens, you'll realise how beautiful it is actually out there. But my most important msg to you is that to face it. Facing the problem and then overcoming it is probably the only way to test your level of escapism and hence the process of regaining your sanity once more. It takes alot of courage I know, but if you keep hiding yaself from the problem or even other pple or even your own feelings for that matter, you will only feel more and more miserable.

this little entry is not only an expression of my feelings but also a little encouragement (I hope) of some sort to those of you who know you all are :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Fun Yet Enlightening Weekend...

hm... finally the hell week was over!!! now it's really time to concentrate on my studies. It was hell of a weekend for me! it started with fri nite with the National Day Party in Sydney.. and then roaming the st of sydney on sat ending the day and starting the next morning with karaoke and clubbing AGAIN!!! my POOR LIVER!!! it is time to give it rest...haha... and sunday was definitely a great day meeting up with friends and stuff... so that's all good! Happy Happy Happy!!!

but this weekend set me thinking on alot of stuff. I know what most of you will say - you THINK TOO MUCH!!! haha... so many things have changed this weekend. Alot of which I have never expected... Why bother when others dun do rite? Realised that everything takes 2 hands to clap. Totally saw a quarrel/fight/jealousy over this weekend among so many people. No point if everything is one sided anyway. The most impt thing in any r/s is trust and more trust, that's for sure. :) But on the hand, why bother about people who dun care abt you? Why don't spend your time and effort on people who actually care for you! That's what someone told me a mth ago, but nope - I DID NOT BOTHER! Finally, i realised it as I saw it for myself this weekend. So that's it! There's so many friends out there who seriously care abt you anyone of you! and do pay attn to them b4 it's too late. Coz they are ya true friends and really love you! Dun neglect them and realise it's too late yeah? hehe

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Little Update... of HAPPINESS!!!

haha... this sem has really kept me bz. No time to study. No time to do anything. I'm seriously just stressed so THIN!!! it's not funny. but oh well.. as long as you're happy who cares rite? and TTZ ME!!! MUAHAHHAHAHA.... HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!! haha so many gossips have been floating in the air. But i've come to a point that i seriously don't care. haha. That's just life, but as long as your conscience is crystal clear it doesnt matter!! but in the end hearing the gossips are entertaining.. hehehe... but i guess that's life... pple talk... but take it with a pinch of salt and everything's fine... gossips.. they eventually come back to stupid heh?? you might as well ask me...i'll tell u..hahhahaha doesnt matter... human nature.. to class...just thot i drop a note coz i havent blogged for ages..guess i'm too bz and happy haha that I dun need to!! hahaha....