Was reading a friend's blog today. A statement caught my attention, " You don't have to tell me what you've done for me, neither do you have to tell me how much I mean to you; needless to say I can see for myself who is TRULY GOOD to me, and vice-versa"
I totally agree with her. We are human, we can see for ourselves. You seriously do not have to tell us! I know who's good to me and who's not. Action speaks louder than words. Sometimes you wonder what people are trying to prove when they tell you what they've done for you. When in actual fact you already know! We all know how to differentiate the good from bad, the right from wrong and even the real from fake. We are blessed with emotions, eyes and a judgemental mind. Yes, I agree that many a times we can be taken for a ride; or on the flip side of the coin we may take people around us for granted at times. Afterall, we're just human. But at the end of the day, I'm sure we'll all be enlightened and not be so blinded or repent for our so-called wrongdoings respectively.
It's not the big things that people do, but it is the small and minute actions that mean more. Very often, we neglect these little gestures till it is too late. But these little gestures do mean more than anything else. Trust me. But it is never too late too appreciate these. It is from these little gestures and actions that help you realise who is truly good to you and who is actuallly taking you for a ride in the process.
And nope, you can't lie. Cause taking people for granted or even taking someone for a ride is evident. We all have feelings; we can feel it really. Are you sincere? It is these little gestures that show it all I'm sure :) You may be able to hide your true feelings, but the little actions cannot mask your true feelings time and time again. That's the exact words of what someone told me that day. And it is through this that I have woken up from my little fairytale land. Sorted what I wanted and what is or what is not worth the effort. Hence, try taking a person for a ride, and you may succeed the first time but you can't win all the time that's for sure!