Saturday, April 15, 2006

What is True Love?

Hm... Back to one of my usual entries on the meaning of life and stuff. This entry may sound melancholic and all but it has seriously NOTHING to do with me. Just a thought from somewhere, somebody or something if you may so call it.

What thing that I never believed in is that TRUE LOVE between a couple ever existed. Or it may but out of probably a 1000 couples maybe 1 or 2 blossom out of true love that remains through life and eternity. Seriously, what is true love? Is it forced? Or is it simply an understanding of what both parties need? Or is it simply called LOVE jsut because it is? So what is it? Many people claim that true love is about making the person you love happy and showering with care and concern all the time. But if it is not reciprocated, doesn't that make it a one sided love? Shouldn't true love be a mutual thing? On the other hand, how can love be measured? Is caring for a person love? Or is thinking of the person love? I guess there is no answer. Only you yourself will know. If we can't measure love, how can we classify it as true love?

Doesnt love die off eventually? Doesnt the weight of each relationship eventually rely on trust? So that what is really love? Is it something you have to fight for? Shouldnt it be a Gift from GOD? I suppose every single relationship's main element is trust, honesty and mutual understanding and respect for it to blossom. If that is the case, what's the point of lying in any relationship? Isn't it going to make things worse? Why drag others into your relationship? Shouldnt true love only revolve around you and your other half? Wouldn't one extra person only complicate matters further? It's the trust you should base on, not the people to help you pick up the lose ends.

But i suppose, "TRUE LOVE is NOT about Loving the Perfect Person, But Loving an Imperfect Perfectly".

Whatever it may be, if its yours its yours (though i guess sometimes you do have to work for it... hehehe). But do thank the Lord for the blessings and love he showers. That's the GREATEST LOVE ever.... for the LORD loves us - imperfect beings! That's TRUE EVERLASTING LOVE!!! :)


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