Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Many "WHAT IFs" in Life

Am I avoiding things or do I really wanna face it?? But I don't really know what I want either. It seems like i do.. But each time I make a decision I start pondering again. "What if??" oh well there's so many "what ifs" in this world that sometimes I guess it really tires you.

Sighz.. what if i did never msg you.. what if i just ignored the whole matter.. what if i never went to probe.. what if we continued on.. what if we don't?? oh well there are so many "what ifs" in the whole story that sometimes it jsut makes matters more complicated. The fact is these "what ifs" never stand alone... They are all just hypothetical coz the "what ifs" are just escapisms of lives and not the true reality...

But then again taking away all the "what ifs", I still have many questions I wanna ask. However, I don't know if i really wanna know..So what even if I know?? or i just wanna remain in ignorance once again... It's not like I wanna rake up the past, but sometimes it just haunts you.. It's not that I can't trust but it's just that I probably do not know enough. But is the past really impt?? Or is the future more impt?? But can one really ignore the past and proceed into the future?? I really wished I knew...


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